by Drs. John Compoginis, Staci Compoginis, Deborah Ekstrom and Juris Bunkis
We hope that all of you will join us for our 2023 Kick Off Soirée on Jan 19th. Our event begins at 5 pm and will take place in Suite A of our building at 4501 Birch Street in Newport Beach, in our Surgery Center lobby.
Drs. John and Staci Compoginis, Dr. Ekstrom and I will be there to answer your questions, as well as representatives from Mentor, Galderma, ZO skin care and BioTe will join us and provide you with information about their products – and provide us with many valuable gifts, which will be raffled on our famous “wheel”. Mentor Corporation has donated the Grand Prize, a free pair of silicone gel implants! This will be a great way for those of you who have not met Drs. Compoginis or Ekstrom to do so.
Dr. Staci Compoginis, a PhD nutritionist, will share some advice to help us all live a more healthy fashion in 2023. Drs. Compoginis and Ekstrom do some things a little differently from the way I do and you can learn what they are bringing to OCPS. And more than anything, this gives us an opportunity to thank you for being our loyal patients and friends, many of you for close to 40 years now!
Surgery Spotlight: Transblepharoplasty Brow Lift By Juris Bunkis, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Brows droop with time. Many people feel physically and mentally vigorous and energetic long after their appearance has begun to deteriorate due to aging. A brow lift procedure has been designed to provide you with rejuvenated brow and eyelid regions.
A number of surgical approaches can be used. Most patients are candidates for an endoscopic approach through tiny incisions placed behind the hairline. This approach has the advantage of precise muscle sculpting between the brows (to address the “elevens”) while avoiding a long traditional scar.
Another option, frequently used in males with a higher hairline, is to elevate the tissues off the outer part of the brow through an upper eyelid incision, to attach a dissolvable device (called a Transbleph Endotine®) above the upper edge of the eye socket. This method is called a Transbleph Brow Lift and will elevate the brows but does not address the frown lines between the brows. If a patient has an excess of upper eyelid skin, this can be addressed through the same incisions at the same sitting.
The brow lift procedure requires approximately an hour and a half to perform. It will usually be performed under a light general anesthetic. There is little discomfort after surgery but some bruising will occur around the eyes. Most patients are back to their usual activities in a week or ten dayslet. This is a new video produced at OCPS which demonstrates this procedure:
Male in his 50’s with the brows encroaching on the lash lines. Correction by upper eyelid blepharoplasty alone would not result in a significant improvement. This patient is shown before and after an upper eyelid blepharoplasty and a Transbleph Endotine® brow lift (actual patient of Dr. Bunkis)
If you want to see if you can have any part of your body improved, contact us for a consultation:
For CA, please call 949-888-9700 or visit
Or for MA location, call 508-755-4825 or visit
You can write to
Dr. John Compoginis at Contact Us Form
Dr. Staci Compoginis at Contact Us Form
Dr. Deborah Ekstrom at [email protected]
or Dr. Juris Bunkis at Contact Us Form