Before & After Photos - face

Ear Surgery - Ear Pinning

Surgeon: Dr. Juris Bunkis

Patient information: Male in mid 20s complained of protruding ears. He received a bilateral ear pinning procedure (otoplasty) to achieve a pleasing result! He is very happy and is only 1 month post operation. Procedure was performed by Dr. Juris Bunkis, M.D, F.A.C.S.

Surgeon: Dr. Juris Bunkis

Patient information: This young girl, accompanied by her parents, was brought into the office with a complaint of protruding ears. She received a bilateral ear pinning procedure (setback otoplasty) to achieve a pleasing result. Procedure was performed by Dr. Juris Bunkis, FACS.

Surgeon: Dr. Juris Bunkis

Patient information: Male in mid 40s complained of protruding ears. He received a bilateral ear pinning procedure (setback otoplasty) to achieve a pleasing result. Procedure was performed by Dr. Juris Bunkis, FACS.

Surgeon: Dr. Juris Bunkis

Patient information: This young girl, accompanied by her parents, was brought into the office with motivation to correct protruding ears. She received a bilateral ear pinning procedure (setback otoplasty) to achieve a pleasing result. Procedure was performed by Dr. Juris Bunkis, FACS.

Surgeon: Dr. Juris Bunkis

Patient information: This young girl, accompanied by her parents, was brought into the office with motivation to correct protruding ears. She received a bilateral ear pinning procedure (setback otoplasty) to achieve a pleasing result. Procedure was performed by Dr. Juris Bunkis, FACS.

Surgeon: Dr. Juris Bunkis

Patient information: Male in his late teens came into the office the summer before college to address protruding ears. He received a bilateral ear pinning procedure (setback otoplasty) to achieve the desired results. He was so pleased with the results that he cut his hair short for the first time in his life. Procedure was performed by Dr. Juris Bunkis, FACS.

Surgeon: Dr. Juris Bunkis

Patient information: Female in late 20s was mainly concerned with protruding ears. She received a bilateral ear pinning procedure (setback otoplasty) to achieve a pleasing result. Procedure was performed by Dr. Juris Bunkis, FACS.

Surgeon: Dr. Juris Bunkis

Patient information: This young girl, accompanied by her parents, was brought into the office with motivation to correct protruding ears. She received a bilateral ear pinning procedure (setback otoplasty) to achieve a pleasing result. he returned to see Dr. Bunkis 8 years later as a college student – not only is she no longer ashamed of her ears, she is proud of them and has them pierced to draw attention to them! Procedure was performed by Dr. Juris Bunkis, FACS.

Surgeon: Dr. Juris Bunkis

Patient information: Male in his mid 20s desired for his ears to protrude less. He received a bilateral ear pinning procedure (setback otoplasty) to achieve pleasing results. Procedure was performed by Dr. Juris Bunkis, FACS.

Surgeon: Dr. Juris Bunkis

Patient information: Female in her early teens sought a consultation with a desire to correct protruding ears. She received a bilateral ear pinning procedure (setback otoplasty) to achieve a pleasing result. Procedure was performed by Dr. Juris Bunkis, FACS.

Surgeon: Dr. Juris Bunkis

Patient information: Hispanic male in his early 40s received a bilateral ear pinning procedure (setback otoplasty) to achieve a pleasing result. Procedure was performed by Dr. Juris Bunkis, FACS.

Surgeon: Dr. Deborah Ekstrom

Patient information: This is a 55 year old male who disliked the prominence of his ears especially while wearing sunglasses. After his otoplasty, the patient is pleased with his results.