by Juris Bunkis, M.D., F.A.C.S.
This was certainly a strange week for me, spending half of it on the East Coast, the other half in California……and today, I am at government meetings in Sacramento. My son, Justin’s birthday, was this past week as well. Most years, his birthday week has shown us warming weather, blooming poppies and other wild flowers and nice weather – baseball weather.
But the entire country has been hit with brutal weather this past week. Miserably cold on both coasts. Snow on the East Coast, phenomenal amounts of rain and cold temperatures here in California. Makes us wonder if spring is really coming. Hang in there. Have faith.
Spotlight on Plastic Surgery – Facial Balance
By Juris Bunkis, M.D., F.A.C.S.
When seeing patients for a second consultation, it is not uncommon for a patient to tell us how happy they were that we did not try to talk them into unsolicited procedures (as had happened to them in another doctors’ office). If someone comes in to talk to us about one body part, we just consider it unethical to bring up another part the patient had not mentioned or inquired about.
32 year old female before and after a closed rhinoplasty and chin augmentation (actual patient of Dr. Bunkis)
But as with most rules, there is one exception where I will frequently bring up a weak chin with any patient who is consulting us for a rhinoplasty or facelift. Some patients seeking these procedures are not aware or bothered by the fact that they might also have a weak chin but it is our duty to discuss the role of the chin in facial balance. The same prominent nose will look even larger in a patient with a weak chin (or conversely, smaller in a patient with a strong chin). By adding a small chin implant to a patient with a weak chin at the time of a rhinoplasty or facelift will significantly improve a patient’s profile.
And amazingly, as with all aesthetic surgery, if not overdone, the patients’ closest friends and family will not notice that a chin implant has been added. A well done rhinoplasty or facelift enhanced by a chin implant will give the patient a face they have never had but one that everyone remembers them having!
This female in her 50’s, unaware of her chin weakness, was bothered by her neck laxity. No matter how we pulled her neck, we could not have given her this pleasing profile with adding a small chin implant (actual patient of Dr. Bunkis)
60 year old male with a prominent nose, a weak chin and a lax neck seen here before and after a closed rhinoplasty, chin augmentation, facelift, blepharoplasty and a transblepharoplasty Endotine brow lift (actual patient of Dr. Bunkis)
If you want to see if you can have any part of your body improved, contact us for a consultation:
For CA, please call 949-888-9700 or visit
Or for MA location, call 508-755-4825 or visit
You can write to
Dr. John Compoginis at Contact Us Form
Dr. Staci Compoginis at Contact Us Form
Dr. Deborah Ekstrom at
or Dr. Juris Bunkis at Contact Us Form