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"I do not like my nose and would like to know what I can do about it without making it obvious to my friends."

Chris K. Harvard, MA

It would not be possible to specifically answer your question without seeing a photo of your face or seeing you in person and learning what your concerns are, but we can discuss some generalities regarding nasal surgery. What you are inquiring about is a rhinoplasty, colloquially known as a nose job, a common cosmetic procedures for both men and women. People consider corrective nasal surgery (a rhinoplasty) if their noses area misshapen, disproportionately large or small for their faces, or if they have had an injury, making breathing difficult. Since such procedures are elective, our role is to give you options and information about the procedure, and your job is to get as much information about the procedure and make the decision to proceed or not to proceed with the procedure.

Many patients have a fear that the nasal change will be so great as to create a subject of discussion among family members and friends. Actually, rarely do the patient’s friends and relatives ever remember the shape of the patient’s original nose a few weeks following surgery. The patient’s input is always sought regarding the desired nasal change, but the patient must accept the judgment of the plastic surgeon as to the type, shape, and contour of the nose, as he is more acquainted with limitations imposed by the patient’s tissues and facial features. Since no two people are alike, a patient should not expect to “select a nose” by studying other people’s noses or photographs, but such input is helpful to the surgeon as it gives some idea of the patient’s general expectations.

We will be able to give you a good idea of what can be expected to your profile following surgery by working with our office digital imaging system. A surgeon must consider the patient’s entire facial profile when planning nasal surgery. Patients with moderate sized noses, but weak chins, will appear to have much larger noses than they actually possess. In such cases, it may be impossible to reduce the nose sufficiently to provide a profile that is satisfactory to the patient, but facial balance may be achieved by simultaneously performing a chin augmentation. Occasionally, if in addition to a weak chin, severe malpositioning of the jaws and teeth is present, an evaluation of the dental abnormalities by an oral surgeon will be recommended before making a final decision about the nose. Conversely, it may occasionally be necessary to reduce the size of an excessively large chin in conjunction with the nasal surgery if the ideal profile is to be obtained for the patient. Your best bet would be to come in for a consultation and to have us go over all of your options with you.

Rhinoplasty to correct this 19 year old female’s bulbous nasal tip, droopy tip and nasal hump by Dr. Juris. Bunkis of Orange County Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach and Salisbury Plastic Surgery in Worcester MA

Same rhinoplasty patient of Dr. Bunkis, showing drop of the dorsal hump and refining of the tip.

Typical rhinoplasty, straightening nose, dropping dorsum by Dr. Juris. Bunkis of Orange County Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach and Salisbury Plastic Surgery in Worcester MA to produce these subtle but pleasing results.

A much rarer complaint is a nasal bridge which is too low. This male in his 40’s is seen before and insertion of a dorsal silicone implant by Dr. Juris. Bunkis of Orange County Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach and Salisbury Plastic Surgery in Worcester MA.

35 year old anesthesiologist seen here before and after a rhinoplasty (to thin the nose and tip, drop the hump and raise the tip), chin implant, neck liposuction and upper lid blepharoplasty by Dr. Juris. Bunkis of Orange County Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach and Salisbury Plastic Surgery in Worcester MA.

If you have any other questions about eyelid rejuvenation, please join us for our next complimentary virtual seminar, tomorrow, on April 8th on YouTube. The topic will be eyelid rejuvenation. Please clink link below to reserve your spot through EventBrite.

If you have any specific questions about cosmetic procedures, your best bet would be to see a qualified plastic surgeon to review your options.

If you would like to contact Dr. Ekstrom or Dr. Bunkis,

For CA, please call 949-888-9700 or visit our websites at:

Or for MA location, call 508-755-4825 or visit

You can respond in the comment section below or write to me at or Dr. Ekstrom at [email protected]

Thanks for staying in touch and for your feedback!