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Finding Meaning in Life

By Dr. Juris BunkisNovember 6, 2023No Comments

Spending quality time with my son and two of my grandchildren

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By Dr. Juris Bunkis

Finding meaning in life is a deeply personal and existential quest that has intrigued philosophers, theologians, and individuals throughout history. This pursuit transcends cultural, religious, and philosophical boundaries, as people seek to understand their purpose and place in the world. Meaning in life is not a concrete phenomenon, which is the same for all people – it is highly personalized. The meaning of life is a subjective concept that depends on our individual perspectives and actions. It is not an inherent quality but rather a product of our choices, values, and experiences. We find meaning by shaping our own purpose and significance through our thoughts, actions, and relationships.
There is a strong correlation between a sense of belonging and the perception that life is meaningful. For many, meaning is rooted in connections with others – through love, family, or friendships – these are very high on my list for finding meaning in my life. It is about the joy and fulfillment that comes from nurturing relationships and making a positive impact in the lives of those around us. Others find meaning through personal achievements and growth, striving for excellence in their careers, hobbies, or creative pursuits. I must confess that my career, including my time as a diplomat, have added a lot of meaning to my life.
Spirituality and religion often offer a framework for meaning, as they provide a sense of purpose, moral guidance, and a connection to something greater than ourselves. Some find meaning through contributing to the betterment of society, engaging in acts of kindness, or working towards a more just and equitable world.
Ultimately, the search for meaning in life is a journey of self-discovery, one that requires reflection, introspection, and a willingness to explore what truly resonates with our core values and aspirations. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, the pursuit of meaning is a fundamental and ongoing aspect of the human experience, driving us to find purpose and significance in our existence. And this quest does not end as we age.

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Spotlight on Plastic Surgery – Do Men Get Tummy Tucks?

By Dr. Juris Bunkis

Yes, men can and do undergo tummy tucks, a cosmetic surgical procedure formally known as abdominoplasty. While tummy tucks are much more commonly associated with women, men who wish to improve the appearance of their abdominal area increasingly seek after them. Many women who seek a tummy tuck are attempting to restore pre-pregnancy bodies – this is obviously not applicable to men, and males seeking tummy tucks are all attempting to remove excess skin caused by weight gain. The key difference between tummy tucks for men and women lies in the goals and anatomical considerations.

Reasons for Tummy Tucks in Men:
Men may choose to have a tummy tuck for various reasons, including:

Eliminating excess fat and loose skin after significant weight loss.
Restoring abdominal muscles weakened by aging or weight fluctuations.
Enhancing the overall appearance of their midsection, especially in cases of “dad bod” correction, the “Daddy Makeover”.
Achieving a more athletic, toned look.

Anatomical Differences:
Men and women have different anatomical characteristics, which can affect the tummy tuck procedure. For example, men typically have thicker skin and blood vessels that are more extensive in the abdominal area. Surgeons must consider these differences when performing the surgery.

Muscle Sculpting:
Men often seek to enhance their muscle definition during tummy tucks, aiming for a more chiseled look. This might involve more precise contouring to highlight underlying musculature, such as the “six-pack” muscles.

Incision Placement:
Incision placement in tummy tucks can differ for men. Surgeons may adjust the incision to account for the positioning of hair follicles and to minimize scarring visibility in male patients.

Results Expectations:
Men generally have distinct aesthetic goals, seeking a flatter, firmer, and more masculine abdomen. They are not concerned with an hourglass figure, which is a more common goal for women undergoing tummy tucks.

Recovery and Physical Activity:
Men often have a higher baseline muscle mass, which can contribute to a quicker recovery. They may be more focused on returning to physical activities and exercise, and their recovery plans are adjusted accordingly.

In summary, while the fundamental surgical procedure of a tummy tuck remains the same for both men and women, the nuances lie in the reason for the skin excess or muscle laxity, goals, anatomical differences, and expectations of the patients. A skilled plastic surgeon will tailor the procedure to meet the specific needs and desires of the individual, regardless of their gender, ensuring a result that is both aesthetically pleasing and aligned with the patient’s self-image.

Male in his mid 40’s following a one hundred pound weight loss with a diet and exercise program, shown here before and after an abdominoplasty (with posterior trunk skin excision and removal of gynecomastia to complete his Daddy Makeover) (surgery performed by Dr. Bunkis)

If you want to see if you can have any part of your body improved, contact us for a consultation:

For CA, please call 949-888-9700 or visit
Or for MA location, call 508-755-4825 or visit

You can write to
Dr. John Compoginis at
Dr. Staci Compoginis at
Dr. Deborah Ekstrom at
or Dr. Juris Bunkis at