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Home Renovation & Facial Rejuvenation

By Dr. Juris BunkisOctober 9, 2023November 1st, 2023No Comments

By Drs. Deborah Ekstrom and Juris Bunkis

For the past few months in the process of renovating a home – we were struck with some similarities between facial rejuvenation, and home renovation (having both been consumers of our own product).

Home renovation and facial rejuvenation share several similarities despite operating in different domains. Firstly, both processes aim to improve the overall appearance and functionality of a space or a person. In home renovation, outdated or deteriorated components are upgraded/replaced to enhance the aesthetic appeal and functionality of a property. Similarly, facial rejuvenation procedures target areas of the face that may show signs of aging, aiming to restore a youthful and refreshed appearance.
Secondly, both home renovation and facial rejuvenation require careful planning and consideration of individual preferences. A well-qualified contractor in the case of home renovation and plastic surgeon in the case of facial rejuvenation will make all the difference between a great result and a mediocre one, a pleasing outcome and disappointment. Homeowners collaborate with designers or contractors to create a vision for their living space, just as individuals seeking facial rejuvenation consult with well-trained, board certified plastic surgeons to tailor their treatments to their specific desires and needs.
Additionally, budget constraints play a significant role in both scenarios. Homeowners must manage their budget while selecting materials and labor, while those considering facial rejuvenation need to weigh the costs of various procedures against their expected results.
With both processes, the more you renovate and the more luxurious the finishes, and the more you spend, the more upscale and pleasing (and complete) the result is likely to be. When renovating a home, leaving portions undone can lead to an unharmonious result with the eye noticing the un-renovated parts more than the parts that have been remodeled. Likewise, rejuvenating one part of a face and not another can lead to imbalance afterwards – doing a great facelift but not addressing big lower eyelid bags leads one to focus only on the remaining bags after the rejuvenation is healed and complete.
Lastly, both processes involve a transformation that can boost self-esteem and well-being. A renovated home can create a more comfortable, nurturing, and aesthetically pleasing environment, while facial rejuvenation can enhance self-confidence and improve overall quality of life. In essence, both home renovation and facial rejuvenation share the common goal of enhancing one’s appearance and surroundings through a thoughtful and transformative process. So far, we are happy with both our rejuvenation procedures and renovation process! Our aim for all our patients and their rejuvenation is the same!

These two identical twins first came in looking pretty much the same. The twin on the right chose to have facial rejuvenation. Both are shown a month after the twin on the right had a facelift, brow lift, and blepharoplasty by Dr. Bunkis but before the twin on the left has had anything done. The second twin is on the schedule!

Spotlight on Plastic Surgery – The Scoop about Lower Eyelids

By Drs Deborah Ekstrom and. Juris Bunkis

Last week we focused on the upper eyelid and this week we will shift our focus to the lower eyelid. A lower eyelid blepharoplasty, or lower eyelid surgery, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at improving the appearance of the lower eyelids. Here is an overview of why some people get eyelid bags, how a lower eyelid blepharoplasty is typically done and the benefits it can offer:

Etiology: Why do lower eyelids look aging in some patients?

The main culprit is a pocket of excess fat that causes the lower lids to protrude. We all have some fat in our eye socket which helps cushion the eyeball but for hereditary reasons (patients with eyelid bags always have a parent with similar bags), some people have more fat in the lower lids than necessary and this excess causes the lower eyelid bulge known as “bags”. This is the only fat in the body that is not under dietary control. Losing weight does not make the bags smaller, and gaining weight does not cause bags to increase in size – surgery is the only way to remove these excess fat pockets.

Procedure: This is a complex but minor one-hour procedure that is performed in an operating room.

Anesthesia: The procedure is performed under deep sedation or a light general anesthetic plus a local anesthetic, depending on the extent of surgery and patient preference.

Incisions: The surgeon makes incisions either on the inside of the lower eyelid (transconjunctival approach) or just below the eyelashes (subciliary approach). The choice depends on the patient’s needs, anatomy and expectations.

Fat and tissue removal: The majority of improvement with upper eyelid surgery comes from removal of excess skin. Very little, if any, lower eyelid skin requires removal and most of the benefit of the lower lid procedure comes from removal of excess fat. This excess fat will be carefully removed or repositioned to address issues like under-eye bags, puffiness, and wrinkles.

Tightening: The surgeon may tighten the lower eyelid muscles and reposition the tissues to create a smoother, more youthful contour. Great care must be taken in this step to minimize the possibility of a downward displaced lower lid lash line.

Closure: External incisions are closed with fine sutures and rarely leave a scar that can be seen by others. The internal approach does not require any sutures and does not leave a visible scar.

Benefits: The benefits of a lower eyelid procedure are mainly aesthetic.

Improved appearance: Lower eyelid blepharoplasty can effectively address issues such as under-eye bags, dark circles, puffiness, and wrinkles, leading to a more youthful and refreshed look.

Enhanced self-confidence: The procedure can boost self-esteem by providing a more vibrant and less tired appearance.

Functional benefits: There are no true functional benefits from lower eyelid procedures.

Long-lasting results: While aging continues, the results of lower eyelid blepharoplasty are generally long-lasting, with patients enjoying the benefits for many years. The removed fat does not return but eyelid wrinkling will continue as the patient ages and some patients may choose a laser resurfacing or chemical peel years later to help with the wrinkles.

Minimal scarring: Properly performed procedures typically result in inconspicuous scars, especially with the transconjunctival approach.

It is crucial to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss individual goals, potential risks, and the specific approach that would be most suitable. The benefits of lower eyelid blepharoplasty can vary depending on the patient’s unique circumstances, but many individuals experience a significant improvement in their overall appearance and self-confidence following the procedure.

74-year-old male, before and after a lower lid blepharoplasty, transconjunctival approach (through the inside of the lid, no external scars)

(Surgery performed by Drs. Bunkis and Ekstrom)

If you want to see if you can have any part of your body improved, contact us for a consultation:

For CA, please call 949-888-9700 or visit
Or for MA location, call 508-755-4825 or visit

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Dr. John Compoginis at Contact Us Form
Dr. Staci Compoginis at Contact Us Form
Dr. Deborah Ekstrom at Contact Us Form
or Dr. Juris Bunkis at Contact Us Form